Schlagwort-Archive: Forbes

Münchnerin ist die beste Drachenfliegerin der Welt

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Die Drachenflieger von Team Deutschland – Forbes Flatlands Worlds 2013 from Lukas Bader on Vimeo.

A short summary of the adventures the german hanggliding team had at the Forbes Flatlands World Hanggliding Championships.
The German Team finished 5th in one of the best hanggliding competitions ever. The World Title went to the defending Champions from Italy followed by the Teams from the US, Great Britain and Australia.
In 10 racetask the pilots did 50 hours in the air, to fly average races of nearly 200 km every day.
There are Interviews with Regina Glas, Roland Wöhrle, Jörg Bajewski, Gerd Dönhuber, Christian Zehetmeier, Lukas Bader und Corinna Schwiegershausen.

filmed and edited by Lukas Bader
GoPro hero2, hero3 and Canon XHA1

music. Amy McDonald

sorry the video is in german, I work on a version in english "the best hanggliding Comp ever" … release is planed for March 2013